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All The Good Bugs In Your Garden

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Submitted by: Samet Bilir

A common reaction to seeing a bug in the garden is to either squish it or grab the insecticide and start spraying. However, many insects are beneficial rather than detrimental, so make sure to identify who dwells in your garden before you squish and spray.

Most gardeners have seen the effects of aphids. We often times cringe when we discover a plant with slightly stunted growth and turn over a leaf only to find an army of green or white teardrop shaped little bugs feasting away. Aphids love to eat our plants and there are several bugs out there that in turn, love to eat aphids.


The well-known and very common ladybug is a blessing to have around your garden and can help control aphids, their preferred food. Ladybugs also have a taste for thrips, mealy bugs and mites. The most well known type of ladybug is red with black spots, but there are also yellow, orange, gray, and black types (with or without spots.) There are various plants that attract ladybugs to your garden. These include angelica, tansy, and scented geraniums.

When releasing captive ladybugs, first make sure you water your growing area (the ladybugs will appreciate the moisture). Then gently lay handfuls of ladybugs around the area where you want them to feast. Release them only before the sun comes up or just after the sun goes down. Ladybugs tend to be very active in the middle of the day, so if released at this time, they tend to fly off rather than settle in where you want them to dwell.


Once the population establishes itself, the females will lay small orange colored eggs on the underside of leaves. Over time, the eggs transform into larvae that look something like an alligator with a bug head. While these larvae are not as attractive as the adults, they still can consume 30 to 40 aphids a day.

Green Lacewings

Another aphid eater (and eater of many other small, soft bodied pests) is the green lacewing. These bright green, delicate bugs are voracious eaters and can eat up to 30 to 40 aphids a day. Named for their large, transparent green wings, they are only 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length. They typically live among weeds or leaves of trees and shrubs, and they have a very good reputation for staying in the area where they are released. Plants that produce high amounts of pollen and nectar, which the adults eat, attract lacewings.

The primary beneficial stage of the green lacewing is the larval stage. The larvae are flat and cone shaped with sickle shaped jaws, used to grasp their prey as they consume them. They are typically brown or yellow mottled with red or orange, and have short hairs or bristles projecting from their body. They remain in the larval stage before cocooning themselves in a globular white mass to pupate into adults. Green lacewing eggs are easy to recognize because they are not attached directly to the leaves, but look as though they are attached to the end of a tiny hair growing out of a leaf. This is to help keep the cannibalistic larva from eating each other as they hatch.

Praying Mantis

The true Godzilla of the garden is the Praying Mantis. This large (2-5 inch) predator camouflages itself by resembling a portion of leaf or stick. It moves remarkably fast, especially when it is striking at its prey with its powerful front legs. At rest, the mantis holds its front legs in front of it in something of a ”praying” position, the source of its name. While the mantis can fly, it usually remains in the area where it hatched.

Praying mantis will eat just about anything they come in contact with (including each other) usually depending on size. Juvenile mantis will eat aphids and thrips, and then move on to bigger things as they grow. It is not uncommon for a large mantis to attack a frog or lizard. Mantises are indiscriminate carnivores, so they will eat both good and bad bugs in the garden.


Beneficial insects do more than act as living insecticides. Some act as pollinators. Due to a recent shortage of honeybees caused by an infestation of parasitic mites, suitable substitutes are taking their place. Some of the best substitutes are the Orchard Mason bee and the Common Bumblebee.

Orchard Mason Bees are a small, black-blue type of fruit-pollinating bee. They build nests inside holes in trees, fences, and human-made ”bee blocks”. They lay 5 to 6 eggs inside their nests and then plug up the entrance holes with mud. Keep in mind that Mason Bees only travel in a radius of 100 yards from where they hatch, so they should be placed in the middle of the fruit orchard they are meant to pollinate. Due to their early emergence and short lifespan, Mason bees are usually only useful for pollinating fruit orchards.

The slow moving, slightly humorous-looking bumblebees are one of the best pollinators in nature. Active during the majority of the growing season, they are used in commercial greenhouses to pollinate vegetable crops. Bumblebees grow to a size of 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches and are very furry, with a yellow and black striped color scheme. Attracting bumblebees is like attracting any other bee; just make sure you have flowers and plants that produce high amounts of pollen and nectar for them to feed on. Bumblebees especially like butterfly bushes and bee balm.

There are a multitude of other beneficial insects that attack not only specific pests, they also attack a wide range of other pests in your garden.

About the Author: Samet Bilir is a hobbyist gardener and landscaper with more than 10 years of experience in vegetables gardening. Among other projects, he is co-owner of

, a great website to learn how to start a garden.


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Tax Help Available For Small Businesses



Many small businesses tend to procrastinate when it comes to filing for taxes. They behave in this manner for many different reasons. Some are uncomfortable in this unfamiliar territory, so they keep putting it off. Others, caught up in the daily operational issues of running a business, simply can’t find the time to sit down to tackle the tax issue.

But filing for taxes is no small matter. It is required by law, and there is a dateline for filing taxes. Therefore, small business owners should take the matter seriously. They may even consider shutting down the business for a day or two just to give themselves time to settle the tax issues. However, for those who are unfamiliar with taxes, a day or two just isn’t going to be enough time.The right thing to do here, is to hire a bookkeeper. A full time bookkeeper will help maintain the books in a well organized and professional manner. When the time comes for filing taxes, everything is a breeze. Still, as the business continues to grow, it may have outgrown the services that a bookkeeper can provide. The needs of the business becomes more complex. In comes a qualified accountant. An accountant is better trained, and will be able to provide valuable advice on a wide variety of financial and tax matters.If time is running out, it is possible to file for time extension. But bear in mind that this is a quick fix measure. It only gives the small business owner more time to handle the tax matters appropriately. Datelines can be immensely pressurizing. To prevent shortage of time, always plan in advance.Mostly, an accountant will be able to serve the needs of a small and privately held company. But some companies have the ambition of going public from day one. So they focus more on growth. It’s just a matter of time that the business will grow to such a stage where the accountant finds it hard to cope.The first sign that financial help is required is when the management staff has to deal with financial decisions on a daily basis. For businesses arriving at this stage, the business owners may want to consider hiring a chief financial office (CFO). Usually, the CFO will have several accountants and assistants working with him or her. The primary role of the CFO is to provide professional financial services to a business that is raising large amounts of capital, or the business has intentions to go public. During the stage of transition, a part time CFO may be hired to oversee financial aspects of the business. Over time, as the business stabilizes, a full time CFO can be engaged. The key here is to remember that the finances of a business should be managed on a regular basis, and not be left to the last minute. Otherwise, the task ahead will appear overwhelming and insurmountable due to lack of time. Hire the expertise that is needed as early as possible, and keep the books and records clear and organized. This will benefit small businesses greatly.

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Tax Help Available For Small Businesses}

Is It Time To Electronically File Your Income Tax Returns In Canada

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By Thor Hanso

The old saying goes that two things in life are certain: death and taxes. Although this is true taxes don’t have to be quite as painful as it was 15 years ago. Prior to the internet and personal computers for everyone filing your taxes was a terrible affair that required either an accountant or plenty of time. However, with the introduction of the internet filing your taxes is much easier than before.

However and quite surprisingly, is that not everyone in Canada files their taxes online. In fact, according to CBC in 2009 only 56% of tax returns were filed online. This means that 44% of the people are either using the old-cumbersome method of paper or using the automated telephone method, Telefile. Here is the breakdown of various tax-filing methods.

Paper – 11.29 Miillion returns (42.4%)

Netfile – 4.63 Million returns (17.4%) – The system that individuals use when filing their taxes through software applications like TurboTax, Ufile, etc


EFile – 10.24 Million returns (38.5%) – The system that tax professionals use to file other people’s taxes.

Telefile – 445,067 returns (1.7%) – An automated system used for VERY simple tax returns.

In this computer aided world where the internet, computers and various tax processing software making things easier it’s hard to see people filing their taxes with paper. However, over 11 million people filed their taxes with paper in 2009! The need for a paper version is fairly clear, however, for anyone with a slightly complex tax return the increased value in using a computer aided version must outweigh the costs of the software!

In fact, it would be interesting to know if people filing their taxes with paper missed out on money (ie: deductions) that they didn’t know existed. Did they get their full RRSP deduction, tuition transferred, investment income, etc Is it was worth saving the money for the tax-software? In addition, filing your taxes online provides a much quicker turn-around time for your tax-return if the government owes you money!

The next question is what are the costs to the tax-payers of Canada to have a paper-tax filing system? Surely an online tax filing method must be cheaper than paying government employees for data-entry. What about placing the paper-forms online so everyone can file online and the data-entry step is removed!

The Canada Revenue Agency’s NETFILE system, the system used to file your taxes online, is turning 12 this year. This means we’ve been able to file our taxes online for 12 years. In this time the citizen’s of Canada have gone from 0% filing online to 56% this is a huge increase but still much lower than expected from a computer dominated world! How many more years till everyone is filing their taxes online or till the government makes it mandatory to file online?

Like it or not taxes are complex and the amount of different government programs is hard to keep track. Might as well use a tax software where you simply fill in the required boxes, it checks your return for errors and provides all the calculations accurately. With the various tax-software platforms the cost associated with the software is very competitive and can be as in-expensive as $6.

About the Author: For a full review of the

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visit Thor’s website

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